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  • Marka Davasında İki Gökçe Kırgız’a Karar Verildi

Marka Davasında İki Gökçe Kırgız’a Karar Verildi

Gökçe Kırgız Durukan, Gökçe Kırgız Taner'e açtığı dava sonucunda galip geldi. Mahkeme, Taner'in 'Gökçe Kırgız' markasını kullanmayı durdurma kararı verdi. Durukan'a 146 bin 485 lira tazminat ödenecek, ancak Taner'in özür dileme talebi reddedildi.

Gökçe Kırgız Durukan, known for her song “Kalbime gömerim o zaman”, has claimed that Gökçe Kırgız Taner has unlawfully profited from using her brand name. In the trial where Taner was being prosecuted, a decision has been reached. The court ruled for Taner to cease to use the “Gökçe Kırgız” brand. Furthermore, Durukan will be awarded a total of 146,485 Turkish lira as compensation, while her request for a written apology from Taner was denied.

Durukan, who became a well-known figure with her song “Kalbime gömerim o zaman”, filed a lawsuit against Taner for allegedly profiting from her trademarked name. The trial took place at Istanbul 1st Intellectual and Industrial Rights Court, with Durukan and their respective lawyers present.

Durukan stated during the trial, “We request that the use of the name by the defendant be prohibited.”

Taner’s lawyer argued that their client has been using the stage name “Gökçe Kırgız” since 2006 and continued their professional career under that name. The lawyer also stated, “In 2013, my client changed both their first and last names to ‘Gökçe Kırgız’. There was no objection made by the other party regarding this change. Additionally, my client took the surname ‘Taner’ after getting married and currently uses the name ‘Gökçe Kırgız Taner’. The plaintiff has not been continuously present in the music industry. We request the dismissal of the lawsuit.”

The court ruled that the use of the “Gökçe Kırgız” trademark by the defendant was infringing on the trademark rights of the plaintiff, as the brand was registered under Durukan’s name. The court ordered the immediate cessation of the defendant’s use of the “Gökçe Kırgız” mark, and after the verdict becomes final, further use of the mark will be prohibited.

Durukan was awarded a compensation of 70,485 Turkish lira for material damages, 75,000 Turkish lira for moral damages, and an additional 1,000 Turkish lira for reputational damages. Thus, a total of 146,485 Turkish lira will be paid to the plaintiff as compensation. However, the court denied Durukan’s request for a written apology from the defendant.

Tayland’da havai fişek fabrikasında meydana gelen patlama sonucunda en az 20 kişi hayatını kaybetti.

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Tayland’da havai fişek fabrikasında meydana gelen patlama sonucunda en az 20 kişi hayatını kaybetti.

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