h Dolar 36,6074 % 0.02
h Euro 39,9817 % 0.02
h Sterlin 47,4033 % -0.02
h Altın (Gr) 3.427,28 %-0,08
h BIST100 10.438,33 %0,15
  • Vakit
  • Türkiye
  • Aydın’daki yabancı yerleşimcilerin sayısı geçen yıl yüzde 9 oranında azaldı

Aydın’daki yabancı yerleşimcilerin sayısı geçen yıl yüzde 9 oranında azaldı

Aydın'da ikamet izni olan yabancı sayısı son bir yılda yüzde 9 azaldı. Aydın'da toplam 10 bin 206 yabancı yaşıyor. Türkiye genelinde ise 11 Ocak 2024 tarihine kadar toplam 1 milyon 108 bin 911 ikamet izni alan yabancı vatandaş bulunuyor. Aydın'ın en fazla yabancıya ev sahipliği yapan ilçesi Kuşadası olarak belirlendi. İl genelinde en çok İngiliz vatandaşların yaşadığı tespit edildi.

Aydın, one of the important cities of Turkey and considered as the cradle of democracy, is home to a total of 10,206 foreigners who have obtained residence permits, while the number of foreigners who have obtained residence permits in the past year has decreased by 9 percent.

Aydın, which is referred to as “the most beautiful place on earth under the sky” by the famous historian Herodotus and is a dream destination for many people to move to the Aegean region, is also a preferred location for foreign nationals. According to the data of the Aydın Provincial Directorate of Migration Management regarding foreign nationals under temporary protection as well as irregular and regular migrants, citizens from 118 different countries reside in Aydın.

As of January 11, 2024, the number of foreigners with residence permits in Aydın decreased from 11,234 in December 31, 2022 to 10,206. During the course of approximately one year, there has been a 9 percent decrease in the number of foreigners who have obtained residence permits, and a total of 1,028 foreign nationals cancelled their residence permits in Aydın. On the other hand, nationwide data shows that as of January 11, 2024, a total of 1,108,911 foreign nationals with residence permits are living in Turkey.

When examining the distribution of foreigners residing in Aydın according to districts, it is revealed that the highest number of foreign nationals live in Kuşadası, and when looking at the distribution according to their nationalities, it is found that the majority of foreign nationals in the province are British citizens.

Kahramanmaraş’ta Kimliği Belirsiz 70 Ceset Bulundu, 35 Kişi Kayıp

Sıradaki haber:

Kahramanmaraş’ta Kimliği Belirsiz 70 Ceset Bulundu, 35 Kişi Kayıp

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